Brighten someone’s day with our Summer Morning Bouquet! This beautiful arrangement features a medley of white roses, chrysanthemums, LA Lilies, and viburnum. Perfect as a small token gift of gratitude or simply a way of letting someone special know that you’re thinking of them at this moment, our bouquet is perfect for any occasion, be it a birthday, anniversary, thank-you, get-well, or just because! Our expert florists have carefully handcrafted this beautiful piece, ensuring that it will truly wow your recipient. Show your love and appreciation by ordering today.

Consists of:
2 x Stems Chrysanthemums
2 x Stems Roses
1 x Stems LA Lilies
1 x Stems Viburnum

  • Standard $44.90

Or 4 installments of $11.23 by Afterpay

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