The Tranquil Reflections Arrangement is a beautiful tribute to the life of someone you love. This exquisite arrangement includes a mixture of white gerberas, chrysanthemum mum disbuds, orientals, gladioli, quicksand roses, and carnations, all elegantly arranged with magnolia, golden cane, and monstera leaves.
The combination of delicate blooms and lush greenery creates a serene atmosphere that honors your loved one with dignity and grace.
Consists of:
8 x Stems Viburnum
5 x Stems Chrysanthemum - Mumma Disbud
5 x Stems Quicksand Roses Reflexed
3 x Stems Carnation (Sim)
3 x Stems Gerberas
3 x Stems Gladioli
3 x Stems Oriental Lilies
2 x Stems Magnolia Foliage
1 x Stems Golden Cane
1 x Stems Trop Tops
1 x Stems Monstera Leaf
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 65cm
Height: 85cm
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