Combining yummy biscuits and beautiful blooms, our Taste for the Exotic bouquet will wow your special recipient no matter the occasion! It showcases the most gorgeous orchids you can imagine, along with accents of tropical and magnolia leaves. And the best part? Delicious and chocolaty Tim Tams are blended with the blooms and lush foliage for a surprise every sweet tooth will absolutely appreciate.
Consists of:
6 x Stems Tim Tams
3 x Stems Orchid vanda
2 x Stems Happy Leaves
1 x Stems Magnolia Foliage
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 20cm
Height: 55cm
Customers who recently bought Taste For The Exotic said:
I was informed as to when the delivery was to arrive and when it was delivered which was very reassuring
Jenny, 10 October 2019
You have very good communication with the customer by informing us about delivery details by email. Good delivery straight to the recipient.
Janet, 18 October 2019
I was happy Lee was happy. The only thing I would recommend as a horticulturalist is more foliage as a package to the beautiful orchids. I needed to cut my own to ensure that the display looked full. Now for the great news when all my friends viewed pics they loved the chocolate inclusion. Overall I was very happy with the care you took to keeping the flowers moist. Delivery time was spot on. Have already recommended you to family and friends. X
Helen, 27 March 2019
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