Celebrate special occasions and birthdays with our So Sweet flower arrangement. Handcrafted by expert florists, this beautiful bouquet features soft pink spray roses arranged in a glass mason jar and complemented by box foliage. Perfect for saying "Thank you" or simply brightening someone's day, our So Sweet bouquet is sure to impress. As a trusted Florists business in Sydney, we stand behind the quality of our products and ensure that they arrive ready to display through our Flowers Across Sydney service.
Consists of:
3 x Stems Roses (spray)
2 x Stems Box Foliage
1 x Stems Thryptomene/Wax
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 25cm
Height: 30cm
Customers who recently bought So Sweet said:
Excelent site and recipient delighted with her flowers. Big thankyou.
Fay, 04 July 2019
Great company to deal with. Easy to order and delivery was fantastic. They kept me informed with the order status
Vicki, 20 October 2021
Thank you for helping me brighten up my parents’ room in hotel quarantine. Great add-on gift options as well, which I was able to tailor to their tastes. Thank you!
Ursula, 21 May 2021
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