Both beautiful and fragrant, our stunning Roses and Oriental Lilies bouquet will be appreciated by lovers, friends, family and colleagues alike! Elegant roses and showy Oriental lilies steal the spotlight, while wisps of emu grass and a tropical leaf add a touch of the exotic.
*To ensure utmost freshness and a longer vase life, flowers will arrive either all or mostly in bud form where possible.
Consists of:
7 x Stems Oriental Lilies
7 x Stems Roses
5 x Stems Emu Grass/Ruscus
1 x Stems Monstera Leaf
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 28cm
Height: 60cm
Customers who recently bought Roses and Oriental Lilies said:
The receiver was thrilled with her flowers. Thank you :)
Michael, 12 February 2020
The lady at point of delivery was very happy with the attitude of the delivery man as well. Perfect result. Thanks.
David, 13 September 2017
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