Discover the perfect blend of elegance with our Roses & Freesias bouquet from Flowers Across Sydney.
This stunning arrangement features gorgeous white freesias mixed with beautiful yellow roses, creating a truly sophisticated look.
Order by 2 pm for same-day delivery and surprise your loved ones with this breathtaking bouquet.
Consists of:
10 x Stems Freesias
10 x Stems Roses
4 x Stems Viburnum
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 32cm
Height: 45cm
Customers who recently bought Roses and Freesias said:
Great customer service and support
Michael, 16 January 2017
Thanks to the team for going above and beyond to make this delivery. The recipient was - unknown to me - away from her office on the date I had specified. Your team very kindly and courteously re-delivered them on a different date, at no extra charge to me, and could not have been more helpful in organising this. The recipient is delighted with the flowers and I am delighted with the service. Will definitely order with you again and will be telling my friends.
Julie, 06 June 2018
Jenny loved the flowers! She said they were exactly the kind she most likes - including the colours...so I'm very glad I was able to find this particular selection from your online store! I was also super helpful to be able to track the delivery of the flowers, right to my front door, so that I knew when they'd arrive (and make sure Jenny was home/available) - it worked out really well! :-) Great idea - and great, accurate service!
Nicholas, 23 April 2019
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