Celebrate life's special moments with a luxurious Twelve Premium Mixed Pastel Rose Bouquet that speaks of elegance and sophistication. Handpicked and expertly arranged by our Florists, each stem is carefully selected for its beauty and quality.
Whether it's for a birthday, anniversary, or simply a thank you or get-well gift, these mixed pastel roses will surely impress. Our bouquet also comes wrapped in a timeless white wrap with emu grass, making it a perfect gift that's both beautiful and sustainable.
Consists of:
12 x Stems Roses
3 x Stems Emu Grass/Ruscus
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 18cm
Height: 50cm
Customers who recently bought Pastel Roses said:
I liked the fact you sent across a confirmation of delivery email once she had received her flowers, very impressive service, thankyou
Jonathan, 16 July 2018
My friend loved the roses so much, she has text me twice already to say how beautiful they are. (and both times with a photo).
They were so perfect she wondered if they were real!
Margaret, 30 August 2018
The ordering process was hassle-free and I got notified when the delivery was completed. Will definitely use "Flowers Across Sydney" again.
Patrick, 25 January 2018
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