Celebrate life's special moments with the graceful charm of Magnificent Floral Fusion. From anniversaries to birthdays or congratulatory events, this striking bouquet curated by Flowers Across Sydney is sure to impress your recipient. Combining the elegance of roses, native gum, colored disbuds, orchids, sweet william, and trop tops, this arrangement speaks volumes of love, admiration, and joy. To ensure convenient gifting, take advantage of our same-day delivery service when you place your order by 2 pm. Delight your loved ones with this handcrafted bouquet and let the beauty of flowers convey your heartfelt wishes.
Consists of:
4 x Stems Orchid vanda
3 x Stems Chrysanthemum - Disbud's Dyed
3 x Stems Ohara Roses
3 x Stems Sweet William
2 x Stems Gum
1 x Stems Trop Tops
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