Our classic native bouquet is always the perfect choice! To make every occasion extra special, we hand-curate this wonderful selection of fresh, beautiful native Australian blooms and foliage using what’s currently in season.

Consists of:
2 x Stems Leucadendron
1 x Bunches Natives
1 x Stems Protea Pink Ice

Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 30cm
Height: 45cm

Vases have been matched to your chosen arrangement to enhance their display. Your gift will arrive already arranged inside the vase, water and all.

Or 4 installments of $18.73 by Afterpay
For when you don't mind which colour and you're happy to leave it to the experts. Your florist will choose their favourite colours of the day.

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Customers who recently bought Classic Native Bouquet said:

The recipient would have liked for the deliver person to have knocked on the door to receive the flowers and put them straight into water. She only discovered them 2 hours later when I notified her they had been delivered

customer rating overall service
9 / 10
Antje, 15 February 2022

Easy process from start to finish and the flowers were gorgeous. One very happy recipient.

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
ADRIANA, 01 October 2022

Excellent customer service (emailed to confirm duplicate in order, emailed before substituting an unavailable flower), delivery on time, beautiful arrangements. We'll be using Flowers Across Sydney again.

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Shanaya, 07 December 2022

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